Cañón de la Vieja Lodge



Canyon de La Vieja Lodge takes the possible industry environmental repercussions very seriously.
The main reason to offer this information is to enable putting different processes, as well as mechanisms, products
and behavior patterns into practice that will allow us to continue protecting the environment.
Proudly awarded with 5 levels for sustainability with the Certification for Sustainable Tourism (CST) by the Costa Rican Tourism Board. Among the strategies we have adopted, you will find the following programs: 

Organic Vegetables Garden: it guarantees fresh organic vegetables for all dishes in our restaurants with the best Guanacaste style. Separation of waste and recycling: The hotel and guests participate in this project offering the possibility to separate all recyclable materials, which are then taken to collection centers to be processed. 

Use of eco-friendly products: We have eliminated the use of chemicals in our laundry and some others areas that tend to use highly contaminating chemicals. 

Sponsorship and assistance with the Guadalupe School: our hotel currently collaborates with the community school by donating books for the children to empower education and buckets of painting for yearly school maintenance. Collaboration with the “Guadalupe Limpio” Group: in recycling and waste collection campaigns around the community. 

First Aid training: The hotel provides constant training in first aid care to our staff in order to be able to respond to any emergency that may take place on site. 

These are our initial projects but very soon we will be announcing how we move forward and what we accomplish!